Monday 6 February 2017

Contextual Research and Frutiger

The Importance of the Circle

From looking at spray painted symbols in action/horror films I realised that the symbols were commonly encapsulated by circles. This made me consider using this a the shape to contain my symbols. The spray painted circles in zombie films appeared strong and outspoken, very directive. This could be because of the connotation with road signs which are of a similar style and are very commanding.

So I researched the qualities of a circle in 'Signs and Symbols Their Design and Meaning.'
Frutiger theorises that 'we appreciate rounded forms with the senses rather than with the mind.' This works in my project as in a system where society deteriorates we might be more likely to rely on our sense rather than our mind/logic. A symbol within a circle might feel more natural/reliable than one within a square.

Frutiger has also suggested that 'for primitive humans, the circle was certainly of strong symbolic importance due to its association with the sun, moon and stars.' This also links well with an apocalyptic situation as humans are often depicted as becoming primitive and reliant on nature- cycle of night/day. A circle may not only be practical but also symbolic of a life cycle and survival.

Finally, the circle was also linked to modern wheels and gears and Frutiger states that 'without the ability to travel, modern life on the ever-widening area of our daily world would become hardly imaginable.' This means that the circle is very much about modern succession and travel, within my sign system the circle will be used to show where to travel to and which direction to follow. The sign system will become the new forgone cars/gears that Frutiger refers to.

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