Monday 6 February 2017


Define the problem:

  • To design a sign system if there was a zombie apocalypse in Leeds. Because there is 19 sectors in the Council evacuation plan I will design a stencil for each design to show if the zone is infected or clean and which zone the occupants should move to.
  • Contextual References:
    • Zombie apocalypse films, look at types and stencils used. The Walking dead also uses a sign system to direct the characters to Terminus on the train tracks (look at style.)
    • Use reference for subjective ideas from The Debate.
    • Look at graphite and the different styles of stencils.

Client Needs or Requirement:

  • Needs to be extremely clear and readable from a distance, needs to be disposable and to be able to be constructed very quickly.
  • Scale needs to be fairly big and the contrast between clean and infected symbols needs to be strong. Green/Red bright contrast.
  • Require pictogram for each sector based on a landmark which I will have to research.
  • No usage of type so it can be understood by anyone in the city. Although may need to develop some instructions, depending on how simple the sign system is.


  • General public, who live/work in the city.
  • Should be accessible to all ages and not isolate anyone.
  • Should be direct and clear for an audience who is afraid and needs guidance.

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