Sunday 22 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Research into Colours that Don't Distract

The Fascinating Neuroscience of Colour

'Step back for a moment to one of Conway’s biggest findings, which came while examining how monkeys process color. Using a brain scanner, he and some collaborators found “globs” of specialized cells that detect distinct hues–suggesting that some areas of the primate brain are encoded for color. Interestingly, not all colors are given equal glob treatment. The largest neuron cluster was tuned to red, followed by green then blue; a small cell collection also cared about yellow.'

This shows to me that the cafe should avoid using reds, blues and greens as they seem to attract attention quite significantly. A colour that seems to have little to no reaction in the brain is turquoise, this should be used more for signs and detail so that whilst people are reading - their surrounding will only relax them. 

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