Monday 9 April 2018

Studio Brief 1 - Initial Ideas

  1. In Coimbra people cough for Fado so the object could some agar jelly that people have coughed on. Creating a stylised version of mould, possibly looking at its intricacies - could this be too distant from the original genre of music? Could it be that putting mould in an exhibition might be inappropriate? 
  2. To recreate love letters - letters of longing and solace - from a Portuguese sailor to his lover. It was suggested in a crit that this could be in a bottle to really highlight the sea theme.
  3. A pop-up book about the sea, involving interactive elements. This could be pull out waves and pop-out figures. Look at Robert Sabuda.
  4. The word fado orginates from the word fate - this could be linked to a series of Tarot cards that are sea related. Could this be complicated though as there are many cards in a pack, which would require unique designs. Is there any other card game played by sailors that could be explored - or another way of fortune telling? It would be interesting to explored the production of card making, this would probably involve a laser cutters and lamination. 
  5. Could an object be created that you can only use with your eyes closed as the performances were usually only made at dark. Look at how blind people read braile and if there are certain ways that they appreciate imagery. Could it be a textual experience of the sea. Or an object that can only be seen half light - a particular shadow show. Look at Zoetropes and spinning shadow lamps.

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