Friday 20 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Interim Crit

  • Lending library - exchange books. Different drop points?
  • Make it free
  • Chain idea of sending each other books.
  • University subscription, you give a discription of the books you enjoy and they send you ones that you may like. You get certain recommendations and categories.
  • Wrap up books - blind books, look at Waterstones. 'Blind book date'
  • 1 month campaign?
  • Look at the human aspects of books and reading, move away from packaging.
  • App for readers nearby - freecycle style, location based. You only pay the person who drops it off to you.
  • The wrapping for each book could be drawn on every time it is passed to a new person - creating a history for the book, almost like a library log. The messages could be about what the previous readers thought of the book - characters they love etc. The book packaging becomes degenerative.
  • Book stop - explore where you go, like Pokemon Go. Place books around to be collected - look at this campaign Emma Watson endorsed.
  • The images of the books could be blurred, like frosted glass for mystery element.
  • Maybe you get given 10 books at the start of the term.
  • Material free books, could books be made digital?
  • If you were to take the packaging route, try doing different styles of design for different genres.

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