Sunday 22 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Book N' Brew Book Swap

For part of my research I looked into the idea of book swapping, this came as something students would love as it would be free! From a crit an idea was suggested that free books could be kept in packages and decorated by each person who borrows the book. This decoration would be drawings, messages and reviews of the book.

I hypothesised that this could work in the cafe where if you bring a book into the shop you are given a green token. This token means that you're allowed to borrow a book from the shop. From this you look at all the books and you can see which most appeals to you from the decoration on the packaging. Once read, the book is put back in the package, drawn on, and then handed back to the cafe - potentially in exchange for a token or for another book.

The tokens here are quite simple and could use further development. However I find the decorated packaging quite an interesting an aesthetic and works well to attract students to the concept.

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