Thursday 19 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Initial Ideas

The main aim of this brief is to encourage students to read more, as I have identified this group to be particularly lacking in the amount they read. It also gives me a direct insight into the target audience, which should mean I will be more informed in creating something that will appeal to them. 

Main ideas:
  1. To brand a visual software, like youtube, but solely for the narration of books. This would be similar to Audible, where you pay as subscription to see books read allowed by individuals with possible intersections of animated parts of the story. This idea is because of my primary research, as going without constant visual stimulus in this technological society at the moment, is quite difficult. So by pairing reading with something that might have more of an instantaneous effect might appeal more. 
  2. To create a branding campaign to get student's imaginations working and to encourage them to pick up books
  3. To create a brand of a cafe in Leeds that particularly focuses on books, encouraging people to read in there, buy second hand books and talk about books.  
  4. To create a set of zines that are condensed versions of modern classics. This could be for books that students may be intimidated by/struggle with, so that once condensed it allows them to easily grasp the concept and deeper meaning of the story.
  5. To create a 'take away' book service where you order a book online and it comes to your door within the hour, like take away. This is to specifically appeal to students, as they are one of the biggest markets for take away. Plus it accomplishes the 'instant hit' complex that is so common at the moment. A positive of this idea is that encourages the reading of unaltered books, which should really be the aim - rather than editing their format to try and make them seem more palatable.
  6. To create an app where it is like Instagram or Twitter where you get a constant feed, but the feed is of what people are reading. This could include reviews, 'reactions', loggings of books and photographs. Ideally encouraging people to read because that is what their peers are doing.
  7. To design a campaign for Waterstones where you feel in a pass or journal of books you are reading, each getting logged when you buy them at the till, until you reach 10 reviews which allows you to buy a free book. This is similar to a scheme they already have where you have to spend £10 eight times, eventually granting you a £10 giftcard. This would involve branding the campaign and the journal. 

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