Sunday 22 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Final Designs and Evaluation

Here is the selection of all the elements made to help brand book N' brew. The items are mostly coordinated and considered for the content. I am particularly happy with the flyer and the menu, which have kept the book aesthetic well and have been printed on interesting stock. The cup and stickers just use the logo so in turn are more simple - perhaps something more interesting could have been done with this given time. In fact, it would have been interesting to develop a fully illustrated cup.

Something that has particularly worked well from feedback is the book swap idea, getting customers to decorate the package creates a sociable and quirky atmosphere for the shop. Also by having a free service it should attract more students to the shop, encouraging them to read for the experience. I think perhaps though the tokens could have been further developed, although there simplicity means they would be easy to mass produce for a independent cafe.

The drawing of the shop has also been successful as it allows people to visualise how the cafe will look, with all the smaller considerations. In some ways the aesthetic of the shop is the most important aspect of the brand.

Overall however I think this project could have been developed further; the designs are simplistic which was intentional to seem minimalist and contemporary - however in some ways they appear slightly lacking. It is important to consider that the a cafe starting up like this might not have much money so it was vital that each aspect was doable and with a small team's means - for example the tokens have been made with stickers and the book packaging is dependent on customers. Yet even considering this, there should have been more variation within the design - especially within the stickers which need to advertise the business.

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