Friday 20 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Cafe Research in Leeds

For part of my research I looked at coffee shops in Leeds that are popular with students at the moment. This was to give me branding inspiration and some insights into competitors.

Temple Coffee - Coffee and Donuts 

This coffee shop has an alternative, offbeat vibe, specialising in donuts and coffee. One of their particular features is the merchandise and brands they sell, which are all quirky and bold. They are the epitome of 'edgy Leeds'. I noticed from being in there that it is often filled with people doing work on laptops, this leads me to believe that the environment sustains a relaxed and focused atmosphere. This could be because of the high number of plants in the space and the contemporary decoration, it is quite an inspiring place to be in. I hope that my own branding can share a similar clean-cut but not too corporate approach. The focus of the book cafe definitely needs to be somewhere people can loose themselves, which might be difficult in somewhere like this - as the place has so much energy.

Pump n Grind

Pump n Grind has a very relaxed and pretty aesthetic that works well in appealing students. It is situated in the Hyde Park area so gets a lot of custom. This coffee shop particularly works on giving take out cups of coffee, so the sitting areas are less comfortable and more stylish. I love the colour scheme and use of plants and the chalk board. They also have a side section where they sell bags of coffee. All of their produce is stamped with their logo which adds a creative and friendly vibe to them.

Both of the coffee shops I have looked at have sweet and simple illustrations as their logos. This gives a friendly and approachable aesthetic which I hope to replicate somewhat. Both seem simple and unique and will attract students with their quirkiness.

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