Friday 20 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Enviroments that Encourage Reading Peer Research

  1. Quiet. Could this be encouraged by having a quiet room in the cafe and a room that is more sociable.
  2. Tea/water readily available - could there be a focus on 'free refills'.
  3. Proper lighting, natural light.
  4. Comfortable and cosy, lots of cushions and a brand that isn't too intimidating. 
  5. Minimised interruptions - how can this be ensured in the cafe? No music and branding that isn't too distracting.
  6. Instrumental music?
  7. A lot of people said they need to remove their phone - is there a way this could be encourage in the cafe?
  8. Natural stimulus - such as plants. 
I also did some research online at a readers forum, that was particularly helpful.

This lead me to some conclusions about what the book cafe should have to encourage more reading in students.
  1. The book cafe needs to minimise distractions - research colours that cause the least distractions.
  2. Create a way of indicating on the table if a person is reading or not, this way people will know not to be loud or erratic around them.
  3. Include lots of plants in the cafe for a relaxing environment. 
  4. The cafe could have a separate room for quiet reading and one for more sociable folk.
  5. Create a free book swapping service - students love free things and this could really make reading seem more appealing. 
  6. Include chalk boards (as most book shops share this aesthetic) with more sociable nights listed on it which will encourage students to see reading can be a shared experience - poetry nights, recitals etc.

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