Friday 20 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Book Cafe Idea

The most important part of this project is to lean away from social media and focus on the enjoyment of reading. Students need to rekindle their passion for books and it could be important to tap into the nostalgia of when they used to read when they were younger - without the complexity of a book exchange or book swap service.

This is why a book cafe could be effective as an idea, is it allows readers to be independent and enjoy themselves and be social when they read. This could use my research directly to make the environment as comfortable as possible to read. There also could be reading related events, such as people reading their own stories, or author visits.

Book Cafe Name Ideas:
  • Book and Brew/ Book N' Brew
  • Bookworms??
  • Beetle Book Cafe
  • Badger Book Club
  • Lamplight?
  • Atlas Book Cafe - gives the idea you can be transported to other places. Theme might have to be maps. Could include compasses and footprints.

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