Friday 20 April 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Oxfam Book Service Idea

Another idea was to have an algorithm where you input details to oxfam which will determine what books you enjoy, allowing you to be sent a second hand book once a month. This would probably be for a small fee such as £1, without a delivery charge if you request for the book to be sent to shop.

This works as an idea because Oxfam has masses of spare books that don't get shifted, as evidence on their website. Often the books eventually get recycled. So to avoid this a campaign could be born to send the unwanted books to students, who may enjoy the books if prompted in this way - for a good cause!

The focus of this project would be be on the packaging and the campaign. Even the Oxfam brand guidelines could be looked at. An added bonus of the idea is that if people are going to the shop to pick up their book delivery, than they are likely to spend more in the shop.

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