Sunday 8 April 2018

Studio Brief 1 - Fado

Key Characteristics of Fado:
  • Orginated 1820s Portugal
  • Favoured by the maritime proletariat - porter traders, doc workers, sailors. The original performances were from sailors who would dance.
  • Usually focuses on 'poor people'
  • Amilia Rodrigues popularised it worldwide - 'the Queen of Fado'.
  • Linked to medieval troubadours (poets)
  • Sung at night, almost in the dark. 
  • To applaud in Coimbra you cough, as if you're clearing your throat.
  • It is usually chracterised as mournful and filled with longing. A sentiment of resignation, feelings of loss.
  • Often about the sea.
  • Comes from the Latin word 'fadum' - English word for fate.
Luís Catarino
Street Art for Fado
Often the more modern interpretations of Fado take a highly illustrative approach. Favouring red, white and black - connoting a latin style of illustration. Perhaps something like this could be taken forward - although would this really be challenging myself into using a new medium?

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