Sunday 18 March 2018

Pan Macmillan Storybook - Story Text

  1. Hurry up and get your boots on, Heather. And come on, Louie, we can’t keep Grandma waiting. It’s a long way across the moors” called Mabel.
  2. As the children left the house and started their journey, Louie began rushing up the rocky steps.  “Would you slow down, Louie, the rocks are very dangerous”.
    “But I’m an explorer. Look how high I am!” replied Louie.
  3. After climbing the rocks, the children came across some stone piles. Louie ran ahead. “Don’t push those over, Louie!” “Why not? It’s just a pile of old stones” exclaimed Louie. “But it’s not just a pile of old stones…” told Heather.
  4. ... It’s a village, home to the moor fairies”.
    Oooh, hello fairies!
  5. As the children said goodbye and continued on their journey, they heard some strange sounds coming from the grass.
    “What’s that noise?” Louie puzzled.
    Heather thought. “Listen carefully and you might just hear…”
  6. ... It’s Mrs and Mrs Grouse. They’re having a tea party”.
    (funny dialogue)
    “Oh yeaah. Look at all that yummy food!”
  7. As the children quietly left the birds and continued on their journey, they came across a rushing stream.
    “Here take my hand, Heather” called Mabel “Wait there, Louie, we don’t want you falling in…”
    “Oh no!” the girls cried.
    “Don’t worry, Son. Here, take my hand” said a unusual voice. Louie reached out and the hand pulled him to safety.
  9. The stranger left and the children wondered who the man could be.
    “Didn’t you see his coat?” said Heather “He’s obviously a sailor”.
    “I bet he’s lived many years at sea, battling that giant octopus”.
  10. As the children thanked the sailor and continued on their journey, the path became very muddy. Louie began to jump.
    Mud splattered all over the girl’s dresses.
    “Louieee!” the girls grumbled.
    Suddenly, Mabel smiled. “Be careful, Louie, that isn’t really mud…”
  11. ... It’s quicksand! Quick, come here before your feet get stuck”.
  12. As the children climbed out of the quicksand and continued on their journey, the path became cold and dark.
    “What’s that up ahead?” said Mabel with a quiver in her voice. Suddenly, a shadow had appeared.
  13. The children wondered. “I think I can see claws” cried Heather.
    “And a terrible trunk” called Mabel.
    “Don’t worry” exclaimed Louie “It’s not a monster…”
  14. ... IT’S GRANDMA!”

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