Thursday 1 March 2018

Animal Farm - Final Design and Evaluation

 For the final design several smaller elements were introduced to make the design seem detailed and considered. For example, on the spine a smaller version of the pig’s head was placed. This was to make the book more distinct if placed on a shelf and to make it seem more classic. It reminds me of the silhouettes placed on the spines of Shakespeare novels, so hopefully it has a similarly classic effect (and doesn't remind people of detective novels).
Another distinct smaller element was the communist hammer and sickle sign, placed in a star. This felt far more recognisable than the stars I had drawn into the previous designs and the clear symbol should make the concept more apparent.

The typeface chosen is called ColdSpaghetti BTN' (?) which was chosen because it's horizontal lines match the angle of the sleeve and the hand written aesthetic goes with the illustrative style. Perhaps the typography should have been hand drawn, like the illustration. It would have been interesting to see it inked in or smudged - which may have helped the background seem more like a war document.

Originally I specifically set out not to use the red, white and black colour scheme which so many editions of the book have used before. However, considering the meaning of this particular design, these colours felt the most logical.

Part of the brief was that the design should engage with a new readership and perhaps this design still doesn’t look youthful enough to attract the younger generation. The glue bottle design may have had some interesting results, which could be considered far more modern, yet would someone of an older generation have happily carried around a book that was fluorescent and chaotic like I planned? Maybe not. The design falls under the ‘adult fiction’ category and therefore should be applicable to everyone under that category.

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