Tuesday 20 March 2018

OUGD503 Evaluation

Throughout this module I have become more practised in balancing lots of live briefs simultaneously, which has given me a taste of the professional world. The importance of organising time and making plans became clear. By doing live briefs it has also made me consider the client more. The requirements for every brief have meant that I have always pushed myself to make sure I meets them in an interesting way.

On reflection, for the badge design, I would have liked to spend longer developing the final designs, however I didn't allot enough time to do this – not anticipating how much I would enjoy it. However being picked for the final badge pack was really exciting and gratifying, encouraging me to enter more competitions in future.

In the Penguin book designs it became clear that the success came from researching the books and having concepts that were grounded in reasoning and knowledge. These designs became far more interesting to the viewer and naturally appeared more considered in appearance when they were linked to an unusual aspect of the book.

The Norwich Beer Festival logo I looked at was really interesting for me as I rarely do logo work. Although it was illustrative, which is more one of strengths, it made me consider the key features of logo design and how logos have to be incredibly considered and grounded. I hope to do more branding and logo work in future to develop my skills in this area.

In the storybook brief skills in fast paced organisation and production have been gained. It was exciting to work in a collaboration of two and share ideas and concepts. It often meant that the boundaries were pushed further as there was two of us questioning what the next step could be and encouraging the 'weirder' ideas. With this brief we took on more work than the brief specified, which meant we achieved a lot but spent quite a bit of energy. In this case it felt worth pushing the boundaries for as it was something that improved our skills and created a satisfying end result that can be used in portfolios.

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