Saturday 17 March 2018

Pan Macmillan Storybook - Concept Ideas

After researching Laura Carlin, we looked into scarier children's books such as 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', 'Hansel and Grettle' and 'Grimm's Fairy Tales' as we wanted to respect the child audience and give the book a slightly sinister edge. Nothing too scary! But enough the book doesn't feel babyish or dumbed down.

Format Concept Ideas:
  • Should the book have a contents page? This could allow the children to skip to their favourite part. This could however be too much detail for a children's book.
  • Should the final page be filled with colour, when every other page has had a focus on black and white? Creating a crescendo.
  • The more fantasy style spread should include more colour that the 'reality' spreads.
  • Throughout the book the colour of the sky should gradually go from white to black, showing a subtle transition from day to night. This would be similar to Laura Carlin's subtle illustrative elements that imply a bigger meaning/picture.
  • The scary content should be left until the end, creating a climax that can then be quickly be resolved.
  • Its important to involve some representation in the book, I suggested we make two of the side characters lesbians in order to do this. 
Plot Frame:
  1. Children have to cross a small waterfall.
  2. Children hear some birds that sound as if they're laughing.
  3. Children encounter a man who looks like a Sailor.
  4. Children find some stone piles people have made.
  5. Children find a wall that doesn't seem to end.
  6. Children spot a mysterious figure in the distance as the darkness falls.
  7. Children go through a twinkling skyline to get to the Grandma's house.

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