Sunday 18 March 2018

Pan Macmillan Storybook - Development of Sub Characters

Grandma/the Moor Moster

For the grandma it was important that the style still be consistent with the children, but with a notable age difference. To do this I raised the shoulders, made the face rounder, added age marks and made the nose rounder. At the end of the story a shadow is seen and the children imagine a monster which turns out to be the Grandma. The shape had to resemble the Grandma, so having designed her I then used the outline to create something scary - 'a moor monster'. It was difficult designing something scary whilst not being too scary - I looked at the Gruffalo for reference here. In the end the result in some ways seemed too 'cute', if we had more time I could have gone further with this to create something more meaningful.

The Old Man/Sailor

I did similar work for the sailor character to make them seem aged. It was particularly difficult to draw him in the position bending down, which I eventually had to pose in a reference image for.

The yellow colour for the coat particularly worked as it is something often worn by fishermen. This was a texture made beforehand that gives a nice worn effect, especially with bits of white in amongst this.

The Fairies

The fairies needed to keep the same style of the other characters but seem even more mythical and pixie like. To do this I made their faces rounder, with round blush and pointier noses. I only made several designs that could be repeated as they were going to be placed very small on the page. They use very natural colours, without any patterns or accessories - keeping them simple but bold.

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