Thursday 1 March 2018

Animal Farm - Uniform Experimentation

After feedback it was suggested that the design needed something more, to make it stand from the page and become even more rooted in the content of the book. I decided to experiment with the sleeve of the hands to make it seem for like an USSR uniform - to connote the fact that the main character of the book, Napoleon, is Joseph Stalin.

So another sketch was made that involved the tassel of the officer's sleeve and some illustrated stars to signify the USSR relevance. This worked better in some ways, the hands were more precise and the sleeves had more detail. However to be accurate as army uniform the sleeve wasn't stiff enough, it felt too crumbled and clothy still. Looking at the uniform the style appears to follow the direction of the arm on a straight angle. Plus the stars are perhaps not specific enough to conjure images of revolutionary Russia, the symbol needs to be studied further.

After that a design was developed to have straighter sleeves, which works better for historical accuracy. However, the fact that the arms are no longer curved in this design felt more forced than the original. Is this causing too much attention to be drawn from the central shadow icon? Something about the original design felt more natural, despite the fact it had less links or grounding.

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