Wednesday 15 November 2017

User Experience - UX

UX- User Experience: Everything that effects the user's interaction with the product.

It's important when designing something digital that the guidelines for the screen are followed and considered. 'This was designed because of this guideline...' These can be found on Human Interface Guidelines; it may also be beneficial to look at Design.Google too.

  • The user needs and the business needs should be satisfied equally when the product is made.
  • Needs to be socially enhancing.
  • It will either be used to fulfill a task digitally or to aid the user's social identity/communication with others OR both.
User experience design should proceed ordinary aesthetic design as its functionality is vital for it to be successful. It should be based on an informed, conceptual approach.

Analyse/Research - Design - Prototypes - Evaluation

Key features of the design process:

  • Character of the archetypal user.
  • Their life/routine.
  • Has to be realistic - not idealistic.
  • Consider a particularly challenging target user.
  • Social life/attitudes explored.
Task Flow/User Flow
  • The journey the user takes through the system and the series of actions.
  • 3 steps of task flow is the aim for programs produced by companies like Apple, so could be something to work towards.
  • Vital for the project.
  • Allows you to define the information hierarchy of the design.
  • Can plan the layout according to how the user will process the information.
  • A blueprint.
  • Can contain various states of button or menu behaviors.
  • Without being distracted by colors, typeface choices or even the copy.

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