Thursday 16 November 2017

LUST Design- Urbansensing and Infographics

A graphic design studio 'LUST' has done a similar concept of rating people's emotions through colour, then visually representing them to create a collective effect. These particular designs show the range of positive to negative emotions in the Netherlands, based on the content of a particular day's tweets. This gives an overarching summary of the country's happiness and creates quite a unique effect. It would be interesting to do something similar with the emotions of high schoolers as a collective, especially if shown as a daily projection.
I particularly love the black background in this, as it makes the limited colour bold and striking. Perhaps the app design could also contain a similar black to this.

Another part of the LUST's design work, is interactive big-screen infographics and live projections. This relates perfectly to my project as it shows how current events can be streamed live to create minimalist representations. For example, this poster project called 'Poster Wall for the 21st Century'  was a live stream of 600 posters from all over the world generated daily. One new poster is generated every 5 minutes, so the wall is never the same. The aspect of originality and constant alteration is something I want to replicate with my own 'emotion projection'. Every day students will hopefully cast a different emotion, at a different time, causing the screen to always be varied. A paticular feature of this poster wall is the interactive element, by walking past it causes alterations in the projection. This is something I could state as a potential aspect of the projection, past the project itself. Yet at the moment I want to keep the concept quite simple, and focus on how the projection will look with people standing in front of it.

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