Sunday 19 November 2017

Brief 2 - Evaluation

Overall this project has gone well, it works effectively and is bold and exciting enough to appeal to the younger generation. The idea takes an experimental approach which isn't a logical solution but is a fresh perspective.

From feedback it has become apparent that black, angular design could be intimidating for some students, which is goes against the rationale and means the app might not entirely be effective. However, there has been many responses that also suggest it works well - it's bold and intriguing and would definitely create some excitement in a high school. One of the biggest reasons for this design was so it doesn't patronise and it doesn't do that. 

Although it doesn't patronise it might be seen as too rebellious and outside of the norm. High school management may be uncomfortable with it's futuristic appearance and it's emphasis on openly displaying how unhappy students are. Is the app too anarchist because of this? It certainly had influence from the 'cyberpunk' style which is a from of design that rebels against fantasy authority. This creates interesting design but has not entirely satisfied the high school client. In future it is important to consider how a compromise needs to be made between what all the users expect. This is why I have done some quick developments for an app that would also appeal to high school management, these designs are much softer and friendlier - the design no longer appears like it is pushing against the authority for a chance to honestly address the emotions of the students.

It was suggested that the orginal app could be used as a 'social experiment' in highly progressive high schools. It's purpose is to boost awareness for the health of the students and it could still be effective in this; it could even uncover major issues that often establishments ignore. The projection is quite immersive and exciting, so perhaps it could even be seen as an installation on a wider scale, addressing issues about how as a society we aren't always honest about how we're feeling. The point of these interfaces was to change how we perceive teenagers and the problems they face, it would certainly do this if installed in a high school, it might just have uncontrollable results.

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