Wednesday 15 November 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Design for Screen

The brief: Create an immersive and engaging screen based user experience for a media of your choice, this could include; website, app, streaming service, etc.

It will be important to consider:
  • The client
  • The problem
  • The target audience 
  • Overarching aim of the project  
What kind of digital experiences engage the viewer?
Must be global.
Could consider including image, audio, video.
Will need to have stills of the sight and could include animated elements.

Initial Ideas:
  1. To do an app or system where students can ask anonymous questions in class if they feel embarrassed about struggling with the lesson.
  2. Similarly there could be a online platform for high schools to set up for students to give anonymous questions to each other. This could be in app or an online platform with threads/discussion. Or the questions could be posted on projections within the schools. 
Process for developing ideas:
  • Start with the problem.
  • Consider the UI - User Interface (the main design.)
  •  User Experience - How quickly and easily you can navigate, the enjoyment of the social aspects.

This is not always about it being clean/easy, but it is very much about it being functional and serving a purpose well.

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