Wednesday 15 November 2017

Only Design Studio Visit 23/10/17

Only design is a branding agency based in Manchester consisting of 6 members which have rotated in the past. Some of their clients include Goldsmiths, Lost Village Festival and the University of Suffolk.

Design for Screen:
  • Design for screen is constantly evolving, its fast paced and offers a lot of opportunity.
  • It's here to stay as its a primary means of consuming a brand.
Only's Process:
  • Research - Competitors, audiences, personas, principles.
  • Wireframing - Test assumptions, idea generation, heavy involvement.
  • Design 
  • Front End 
You don't need to know how to code, most company's work with developers who understand the process.

  • Important to have mass communication.
  • Work hard and thoroughly on pitches, focus on modern aspects such as social media and evidence that you have adhered to guidelines for digital design. 
  • Can use InVision or Axare for prototypes.

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