Friday 17 November 2017

Interactive Projection

After my research into the LUST infographic that involved visually representing people's emotions of a single day using colour, I decided to create something similar that would go with my app. The purpose of this would be so that individuals feel like they're less alone if others in the school are feeling a similar emotion to them. It would build a sense of unity in the students and may also encourage them to use the app so they can be involved. 

Upon entering the app, the user would be presented with the screen below, asking them to rate how they feel today from 1-5. Each number has an assigned colour from dark blue to bright orange. Once the user picks and submits a number, it is then cast on a huge projection as block falling down the screen. This well then hopefully create a serge of blocks falling at certain times, when the users are coming into school for example.

To show how this would appear I have made a short animation that has been projected to test the effects. The grainy effect is quite dystopian and furturistic, yet I think this goes with the app's aesthetic and would be incredibly popular in a current millennial high school. One concern is that although it may be popular with students, it may seem too 'strange' for schools to endorse. Especially as it may not reflect the school in the most positive light if many students are selecting the dark blue block and this is being shown across the school. I will need to consider a way of making this more school friendly so that school management will promote Ghost too.

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