Thursday 16 November 2017

Experimenting With Colour Scheme

After deciding on the logotype, I then began experimenting with the colours that could be used for the app. Bearing in mind that I wanted something that would seem 'mature' and 'cool', that young people would feel proud to use. But also something that will seem approachable if they are vulnerable and will be appropriate in the school setting. Finally it is important that the colours chosen keep up with the retro theme I have been developing.

I tried several different colour experiments, mostly going for darker tones in order to seem subtle. I think these worked better than the light blue and soft orange, which seems a bit too much like a 'friendly educational app'. I also trialed some more pixelated designs to give a more futuristic effect; almost linking to 'Cyber Punk'. Although this created quite a groovy effect, it seemed too flashy and bright, the design needs to seem welcoming and calming.

I was looking for something more exciting and outlandish which the black seemed to convey. It also represented the sense of anonymity that is the app's main concept - being lost in the dark but there also being help there too. Finally, it links to the work I have studied of LUST, which I love as a futuristic representation of technology. Black represents something enigmatic.

The use of turquoise with this counteracts something that could seem intimidating. It represents a more calming/tranquil side to the design. By only using this minimally it will give the design small overtones of colour, adding further layers to the design.

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