Thursday 16 November 2017

Branding the App: Ghost

To decide on the name of the app I ended up doing a mindmap of ideas, all featuring different words for questions, talking, anonymity etc. I wanted the name to be something that teenagers will feel connected to and will happily recommend to their friends. There's definitely the potential to make this too school orientated, which I wanted to avoid. For example the 'After School' app I researched has quite a wholesome name, which doesn't always reflect the lives of high schoolers.

Eventually I decided to go with the name 'Ghost', which I thought connoted the anonymous factor well and goes with the current cool 'retro' generation. There is even almost a link to the Pac Man ghosts which I have mentioned before as a possible design influence.

Here I have trialed several different typefaces for the App, maintaining a keen interest in the retro theme.
  1. The first trial, 'Kalinga', takes a more neutral approach and would need some changes in kerning to be more appropriate. This has softer edges and would work well in seeming approachable. However I felt this wasn't individual enough to work as a dynamic brand and is too simple to be a solitary logotype. 
  2. The second 'Folio XBd BT Extra Bold' and fith 'Verdana', take a far more bold approach - the second especially. This seems like they'd be more striking and the thickness appears friendly, compared to a thin, clinical approach. 
  3. I have decided to carry forward trials 3 and 4, which uses 'Zolano Sans BTN'. This feels like the most retro and has connotations with games like Pac Man because of its angular aesthetic. It will be perfect to go with designs that I hope will be similar to old computer programming. 
Potential Ghost Logo Design:

After several quick attempts at potential design for a logo, I found all seemed quite cliche. By focusing on the logotype instead I think this will make the app feel less crowded and will appear refined.

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