Friday 17 November 2017

Cyberpunk - '100 Ideas that Changed the Web' by Jim Boulton

For the aesthetic of my design I hoped to connote a 'cyberpunk' aesthetic, which relates to a sort of 'information-age' dystopia. This will allow the design to seem exciting and 'cool' but also serious in some ways - far from childish.

Jim Boulton talks about the Matrix as an example of this, it 'has its roots in primitive arcade games' which is exactly the kind of aesthetic I want to replicate. By making it quite blocky and angular, it seems sharper and more defined. It's almost like the app could use this style as if it is in its barest form and isn't trying to be something 'child friendly' with curved corners. After all, it's aimed at young adults and should therefore be treating them with respect. This style could be the perfect way to show this. 'Cyberpunk is a critique of postmodern culture', it suggests the world we live in is fake; which is almost what this teen app is trying to fight against. The way high school's are run can be seen as very corporate and about the bigger picture - not the individual students and their issues. Students aren't drones!

In some ways this app is a bit anarchist, yet the problem with this is that the high school should be on board with it to become a popular shared interface. I could consider changing the concept behind and suggest that students run the app and projection in retaliation to the school system; making it an 'underground' app. However, there may also need to be another alternative for something that high schools would happily back, a simpler, sweeter approach.

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