Sunday 31 March 2019

Wonder Full Spread Developments - Penguin Books - Competition Brief

I chose to do the developed designs with pink detail, as these appeared to stand out best against the yellow. Working together to create a bright and intriguing design. It also challenges gender stereotypes, since pink has commonly been associated with girls but the book is aimed at both genders. The pink is subtle enough so that it won't put off a male audience, but it also adds something slightly different and intriguing.

I wanted to carry across the hand drawn effect on the back of the cover too, so several of the developments show circles, doodles and scribbles - giving the back added interest and emphasis.

I also wanted to carry over the marker pen typeface on the back for consistency. I began by writing the author's initials 'R.G.P' but this felt too random in the composition. I then added them to the beginning of 'International Bestseller' which seemed to work a little better. However, the words were eventually edited to rest on top of each other - making better use of the space and slotting the two larger letters together better. I also drew the doodled faces over these letters too, adding consistency and also something which would pop from the blurb. I thought the two letters could represent August's parents, so they are drawn with the older faces of a man and a woman.

I decided to make the blurb simple as the concept is typography based and I didn't want to overshadow this by overworking the back. It also means the information is immediate and impactful which is even more important for a child audience. The yellow will most likely stand out on book shelves and the details within the typography will then capture further attention and imagination.

I decided to make the spine of the book black so that it would be in stark contrast with the yellow. I have carried the yellow and pink colour scheme across to this and also included the O in 'Wonder' as a symbol to represent August and the typographic concept.

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