Sunday 17 March 2019

The Establishment Past Cover Designs - Penguin Books - Competition Brief

After doing some research I came across two 'The Establishment' cover designs. Both are very similar in their approach, showing a small illustration, a white background and a serif typeface. This shows a strong, modern, clean and contemporary approach and indicates the text is fresh and insightful rather than overly intellectual. Both illustrations convey the establishment as a scary and sneaky figure - hidden by a mask, shiftily looking to see if they're being followed. Both illustrations also involve a top hat, a significant symbol for a moneyed man but also of someone older and more traditional - behind the times.

Both of these covers have worked well but they have reached the older more intellectual audience they have been designed to reach, since it was written five years ago. But now Penguin want a design to attract a younger more 'rebellious' audience, particularly before the knowledge within the book becomes less relevant. I want to ensure my design does not involve this clean, white background, nor do I want it to contain a simple symbolic illustration. The design should pop with colour and offer a design which fills the page. The design needs to involve a clever concept to attract a more intelligent audience, yet not directly target a certain political part or political opinion.

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