Monday 18 March 2019

The Establishment Developments - Penguin Books - Competition Brief

I then began doing some more developed versions of the designs, thinking about finer details to make them appear stronger and more considered. The pen was change to a pencil for more authenticity and the typeface was changed to Futura so that it was stronger and bolder - giving more political connotations. I was still struggling with where to place 'The phenomenal bestseller' and 'And how they get away with it' within the composition, so these experiments are mainly experimenting with these. Having the ballot paper on an angle seemed to work best tho, as it feels more natural and it allows more of the design to be seen.

The typeface used in red didn't work well at all, it felt quite 'star of the week', especially when bent into a curve. It still needed to be strong and mature which I felt this wasn't conveying.

Placing a line of text underneath each of the titles appeared to work far better, as the additional line no longer felt like a 'tag along', it felt necessary and part of the composition. It almost creates more emphasis on what it is saying than if it was alone on the page.

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