Friday 2 February 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Personal Reading Experience

Since 2012 I have kept a log of all the books I have read, and with this a bar graph has been produced to show the decline in reading since starting university.

This shows that in 2017 I read less than half of what I had read the previous year. There is also a fairly large dip from when I started A-levels in 2014, both of these declines can be attributed to the heavy workload the courses have demanded. Reading doesn't offer the same 'instant' relaxation that watching tv or going on social media can achieve.

After speaking to several students I found they shared several experiences. People complained about struggling more with writing because they weren't reading as much, people also noted the same sharp decline in their reading after becoming a student.

This indicates that to encourage students to read more, the format need to evolve to keep up with this 'instant hit' society. To make reading as appealing and easy as scrolling through social media/watching Netflix can be.

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