Saturday 10 February 2018

Norwich Beer Fest logo - City Research

Some of the most distinctive parts of Norwich are the Castle Museum, the Cathedral and the Market. These could be visually represented in designs, either by their outlines or even their full shape with the dragon interacting with them. Although it is still important that the focus be beer and not separate aspects of Norwich culture.

Norwich is also famous for a particular dragon called Snap, which could be visited as a concept. 'The Norwich dragon, known affectionately as 'Snap', is preserved in a remarkable collection at Norwich Castle Museum. A long-established civic ceremonial which persisted, in a modified form, until early this century included the snapdragon as the herald of the grand annual Guild Dav procession held at the inauguration of the new Mayor. The cavorting dragon was an obvious source of amusement and entertainment for the crowds watching the procession but in earlier times it had a religious significance as part of a pageant performed by the Guild and Fraternity of St. George of Norwich. Three snapdragons survive more or less complete, one of which is the last of the civic Snaps, the others being later copies.' -


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