Tuesday 20 February 2018

Norwich Beer Fest Logo - Final Design and Evaluation

This design has been produced using bright yellow to convey Norwich's colourful, cheery nature. The dragons have been made black and white to stand out against the the colours of the background. This is also a style that hasn't been used much in previous entries. In a crit it was suggested that the circular shape resembles a sigil, this works to connote the towns history and the style of the competition. The fact that the dragon has three heads it means a more 'innovative' approach has been taken - which is something the brief specified. Whilst it takes a new approach, it is not too 'outlandish' or 'experimental' which the typical beer festival goer wouldn't appreciate.

There has been some suggestion that the black colour used in the design is too similar to the navy - however if printed the two colours would seem more separate. Although using B&W for the dragon's is unique, it has also been suggested that perhaps the dragon's also should have been more colourful. Would this have created an overwhelming design though?

Finally, it was also suggested that the typeface was too classic in comparison to the modern style of the design. Especially as the design itself uses a lot of intricate detail, this could become too crowded when placed next to a thin, serif typeface. However, I think it is important to consider the classic style of the past and the history of the beer festival and St Andrews Hall (the place it is being held). The design can't be entirely modernised which is why I decided to take the serif typeface forward. It is important to consider though that the design has used a lot of thin line work, which in hindsight, may make it difficult to print on a smaller scale. Despite this, I felt it was necessary to breathe life into the design.

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