Tuesday 20 February 2018

Norwich Beer Fest Logo - Developmental Sketches

I first began by making a brainstorm of different things the dragons could be doing/different forms of dragon/types of inspiration. This lead me to develop several initial sketches.

The first sketch was in reference to the snap dragon that Norwich is famous for. This logo seemed too comical though - it needed to be something well shaped that would represent the festival as 'exciting' and 'mature'. The second is also an interesting design, however there is no focal point or factor which makes it particularly original. The design needs to have a new approach to make it stand out against all the previous winners and the current entries.

One of my ideas was to include Norwich Castle in the background, in order to give the design some context. I noticed that a few of the previous designs were encapsulated in circles which I thought looked really effective on the glasses. I decided to develop the castle design in a circle and eventually the three headed dragon.

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