Tuesday 20 February 2018

Norwich Beer Fest Logo - Three Headed Dragon Colour Development

Whilst drawing out the three headed dragon, I took more care with the details, making sure the heads were more symmetrical and adding lines to give the illusion of texture in the piece. The brief suggests only 4 colours should be used, so no gradients. I also incorporated a more detailed background which makes the design seem brighter and more interesting.

Colour wise I tried out a 'pink and purple' as this seemed like a new approach to the colours already used in the past, however the typical beer drinker may not respond to this so well. I then tried out the Norwich football colours 'yellow and green', although people would probably enjoy this (with the correlation of football players and beer drinkers) the colour's already have a brand identity and it would have too many pre-concieved connotations.


Despite the fact that the 'yellow and green' wasn't taken forward, I still think the yellow worked well as a background - it conveyed the idea of the sun rising behind the city. This was taken forward with a purple colour, however I found these two tones weren't bright enough to stand out.
In the end I decided to use a bright yellow and a navy blue, these were bold, bright and appeared like the dawn of a new day and conveyed a fresh design for the 41st year. The typeface used is called 'Imperial BT Roman', which connotes the town's rich history and works well juxtaposed to the more modern design. 

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