Sunday 13 November 2016

Type Specimen for the Typeface Clandestine

To present my 'Clandestine' typeface I used a combination of black, white and deep purple tones. I added many overlapping layers of the type, altering angles, stroke width, size and opacity. This overall created quite a complicated effect, communicating a sense of mystery and concealment. However it was perhaps a mistake to add such a lot of extra detail, as the type is already complex on its own. They would have stood out more on a simpler background, similar to the Maja type specimen I looked at.
I experimented with different folds in order to find one that communicated the type. I thought having one that involved a fold like a letter would work well for the clandestine feeling. 

From viewing other people’s type specimens in the class crit I realised that the most successful were the ones that used minimalist designs. With my own I tried to fill an A3 page, whereas if other people had plenty of alterations they wanted to present – they created a book to reveal the type gradually. In future I hope to think more originally about how I can present my work and which ways will best compliment the design. With consideration perhaps I could have made my type specimen more like a letter, being held within an elegant envelope.

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