Wednesday 9 November 2016

Silhouette Design Crit Feedback

For this we were asked to display the work we'd done so far on the wall. It felt useful to see everything laid out, so there could be discussion over the various ideas.
People were uncertain about my designs involving arms, as they're quite obvious and very disconnected from Caslon. It was suggested I get some images of arms to work from, ensuring that the shapes can be crisper and less vague. By working from silhouettes, too much of the clarity was lost. I think the issue has been that for the word clandestine I have been working to make the type indistinct, however I think type has to be distinct in some form to be successful. Someone suggested just using the outline of the letters to allow for more detail which I think could work. In fact I think I will try experimenting with more body parts. Hands might be easier to incorporate into type than arms have been so far.

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