Sunday 13 November 2016

Final Crit for Clandestine and Evaluation

  • Only using the outline of Caslon made it more legible, classic and sophisticated.
  • It works far better as a display font.
  • It's not too creepy or forced, unlike fonts like Chiller.
  • Caslon was a good choice as it adds a vintage elegant feeling to the pictorial type. 
  • Design is quirky and not tacky.
  • The type specimen is too cluttered.
  • Could have gone further with the human elements, too subtle?
  • Designs with veins feel out of place, there should have been more experimentation and development here.
  • Doesn't work small scale, has to be fairly large for the detail to be noticeable.                                    

There are some elements of my typeface which needed more development, like the letterforms involving veins. These feel out of place within the typeface and should have been developed further. I did consider that perhaps all the letterforms should have involved fingers within their form, however I think this would have ruined the subtlety of the type. The simpler letters balance the more complicated ones, so the complicated ones can stand out. I had feedback that said the type wasn’t too over the top and was creepy to a good level, unlike other horror fonts like Chiller.

Part of my rationale for this typeface was to be used for classic vintage horrors, the feedback was that the use of thin outline created a sophisticated and classic feeling perfect for this. However because of the type’s detail it wouldn’t work well at a small scale. In fact people reiterated that it would be better on simple backgrounds because of its detail; within my type specimen it was too cluttered to stand out.

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