Friday 11 November 2016

Clandestine Typeface Developed

Here are some sketched ideas for my limb focused typeface, I began by experimenting with several different elements of the body- ears, fingers, additional arms. However, I found the sketches involving fingers were the most effective in portraying a creepy quality, yet still maintaining a classic edge to them. I worked from images of hands, looking for finer details which I could include in the typeface (e.g. knuckles, nails.) I wanted each letter to be subtle and unique, with only reference to hands. Some designs were more vague than others, for instance the W and the A I have tried to represent the veins, yet this feels a little inconsistent.

I decided to only use the outline in order to capture more detail, this has worked to give it some elegance too. Also the O, Q and I all have elements of the Victorian type I looked at, to maintain a vintage feeling with a strongly rooted foundation.

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