Tuesday 25 October 2016

Space Agency Research

After studying the current space agencies from around the world, I realised there are common themes between most of the modern designs. Usually they are circular, involve tones of blue and encompass an arrow. To be involved within this market, my own design should share similar qualities, yet should still be unique. It's worth noting that the UK space agency opted to develop the Union Jack into their logo, I feel this to be unbearably patriotic and not a true reflection of a passion for astronomy. 
I made several designs there were circular, however I felt the designs appeared far too political and and were not bold enough. So I researched NASA's previous logo- "The Worm" which they promoted from 1975 to 1992.
I thought the softened edges and absence of crossbar on the As made the logo unique and distinguished. In fact the slanted S also is reminiscent of the Star Wars brand, which although fictional, still has strong links to space exploration and futurism.

So I made more designs using the dynamism of the original NASA logo. After having a crit, it was suggested I develop 'Inexistence' into the shortened phrase 'INEX' as it would give more potential for recreating this futuristic style. It was also suggested I focus on the X as its sharp angles can be used for new age design. I briefly focused on the arrow shape between the E and the X as seen on the left, I plan to develop this further also. Finally we discussed incorporating a small circle behind the logo as an atom or planet. So the logotype could shine through, without being encircled and restricted.

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