Tuesday 18 October 2016

Kern Down- Studio Task

Kerning: to adjust the space between individual letters to usually achieve a pleasing effect or establish a specific style.
In this studio activity we were told to change kerning on words to represent a specific industry, two of which were a luxury car and an IT company.

To represent the luxury car company we decided to enlarge the spacing, so it would maintain a bold ‘stand alone’ effect, yet rotate the centre O in order to look like a wheel. By using this rotation the design was no longer as smooth, yet created more attention as the angle was abnormal.

For the IT company we decided to use close kerning to make the letters touch, this was to create a ‘direct’ and ‘instant’ feeling for the efficiency of the company. It was discussed afterwards that negative space should have been considered, as by making the letters touch the design becomes too friendly and personal for an IT company. This is true, yet despite what is usual for an IT company, I think connecting the letters makes them become more approachable to certain customers.

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