Wednesday 26 October 2016

INEX Final Crit and Evaluation

The main response during this discussion was that the circle encompassing the design wasn't necessary; by adding the circle it overcrowded and restricted the design. Instead I suggested that I keep the white logotype but place it on black card and black backgrounds, keeping the contrast but no longer needing the circle.
There was a positive response towards the shape of the X as it was compared to cogs and spanners, giving it a technological association. It was also suggested it looked old fashioned, but in a way that suited the history of space exploration. The arrow between the E and the X also was recieved well, as it gave the design direction and felt modern. The arrow also links back to my initial research, as most of the space agencies involved arrows in their own insignias.
Overall it was deemed that the most simple black design was most effective, as it was bold enough on its own.

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