Tuesday 25 October 2016

Logotype INEX Development

To develop my logotype further, I drew out my design on grid paper so I could do some experimental sketches. By using an abbreviation it meant I could embellish the letters without it being crowded.

These began by connecting the E and the X and doing some manipulation of the X. I began by curving the letters, similar to NASA's original logo, however this did not have the cutting edge effect I wanted for my modern company. I then experimented by extending the N, to look sharp and directed- like the arrow shape other space agencies have used.

Additionally, once I had developed how I wanted the form of the letters to be, I began experimenting with circle shapes in the background. I found this to give the typeface more personality and context. Circular shapes can largely be linked to space, through planets, asteroids, atoms, rocket windows- so I found it important to include this.

I also incorporated a small arrow between the E and the X, this was so the arrow shape could be acknowledged in a professional way.

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