Tuesday 25 October 2016

INEX Class Crit

The overwhelming response to my circular designs was that it was too similar to NASA's logo. This was understandable as in both designs there is a circle, a 4 letter form and an emphasis on the N. I believed it was important that my design fit the space agency outfit, however being among new and original designers I realised the importance of creating something unique and bold (where no man has gone before.) Because of this I planned to develop further without the circle.
There was also a consensus that the E and X were better separated as it was more legible and professional.
Additionally, the angular X was deemed old fashioned compared to the modern shape of the N. I've decided not to rectify this as I believe part of exploring space lies on past exploration, linking back to the sign on the moon that inspired me.
Finally, the colours people suggested I take forward for these designs were deep purples and reds and also blacks. These are opposit to the pale blue many space agencies have used, including NASA, which I will be glad to be separate from. 

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