Tuesday 25 October 2016

NASA's Brand

In it's current state, NASA has become a popularised, 'cool' brand that has a wide following throughout the world. However it hasn't always been like this, in fact before John Yembrick, NASA’s social media manager since 2012, it was considered quite old fashioned.
Yembrick creatively used a small budget to form identities on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for NASA and it's key characters. This led to a swelling in support which coincided with each post being designed to tell a story. Not only was it documentation, it was creative presentation.
You can now find NASA t-shirts in Primark because it is such a current part of pop culture.

This indicates to me that if I want to compete with an agency like NASA, my logotype needs to have plenty of character. It needs to be universally friendly and it needs to work well on clothing. It should also feel modern and fashionable. NASA has a lot of historic design work which has gone into its current insignia, including the original NASA Seal below. Because my company has no history- it needs to be modern enough to break instantly into the market, without having the traditional style NASA has.

Research: http://88brandpartners.com/news/nasa-branding/

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