Wednesday 26 October 2016

Final INEX Designs

After my developmental sketches I created 5 finalised designs. Each has been made to cover an aspect of my development and are variations of the simple design at the top. Despite the feedback, I decided to develop two circular designs- I wanted push forward something that could look like a seal or insignia. 
I designed the rectangular frame because I wanted to link back to the sign on the moon that inspired this project. As a result the border, curved edge and colours have parallels with the plaque they used. Finally, I decided to develop the rocket shape further as I thought it was an aspect that needed to be explored as it held so much potential. Unfortunately the overall effect was childish and meant it lacked some of the modernism I wanted to capture. 

I also put the second design into context, it felt the most memorable, professional and contemporary. I decided to incorporate it onto a black cap as I thought this would show how it would fit within the current space fad that NASA has capitalised on. I've also introduced a shadow onto the logo to make it stand out on the business card, but I feel this perhaps takes away the nice finish it could potentially have. In fact if this was developed further I would introduce an emboss or a silver finish to give the impression of vast funding for the space agency.

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