Tuesday 12 December 2017

Noughts and Crosses - Conceptual Ideas

Ideas for the cover based on research:
  1. Image of two brown plasters placed in a cross over peachy skin. This could be a photograph or an illustration, symbolising a prejudice and a role reversal. However the problem with this is that it only represents the 'cross' in 'noughts and crosses'. The concept is also quite typical and could do with moving away from the 'noughts and crosses' symbols.
  2. A noughts and crosses game but the grid shows that no one can win.
  3. Could there be a chess board? With the white pieces somehow lower? Although this could be more appropriate for one of the later books 'checkmate'.
  4. One of the quotes, discusses Callum's 'burning anger', could this be visually represented? Figures on fire? Or would that be too intense. The militant organisation in the book leaves a bomb in a shopping centre so perhaps the explosion of this could be shown?
  5. Could the family's private beach be shown? With volcanic black sand?

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