Thursday 14 December 2017

Noughts and Crosses - Colour Pallet

For the colour pallet I decided to use black and white as the combination is bold, striking and goes well with the illustration style. It also signifies as a divide in the community of the story, which was import to relay in the outset. Deciding on the purple colour was more difficult; although I knew it would be purple because of my research into the author Malorie Blackman. 

I didn't want a purple that was too dark as this would have blended in with the black too much, causing there to be little difference. I also didn't want it to be too light as it may have seemed too childish, it was important the colour was strong and significant in the composition. After experimentation I chose the purple that was closest to a red tone, this meant it was vibrant and subtly hints at blood - key to the violence in the story, yet still maintaining the purple tone's significance.

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