Saturday 16 December 2017

Noughts and Crosses - Final Design and Evaluation

Before submitting the Noughts and Crosses cover, I made several more changes in order to ensure the design seemed consistent and professional. I firstly neatened the title letters, making sure the spacing was more even so it appeared less 'random'. I also reduced the thickness of the line, making it seem better detailed. The changes were small and generally just tidied up the design; I edited the girl in the centre so she seemed more precise; I also changed the colour of the nails on the left design to be black rather than white. The people running on the back of the design were removed after much experimentation - they seemed too random and misplaced. After this, the design seemed ready to submit.

After a small critique it was suggested that perhaps the style of design was too basic: details on the hands for example or the shape of the girl in the centre. A more intricate approach could have perhaps looked more professional. This is a valid consideration, however since the design is for children it needs to be viewable and easily understood by a younger audience. So by using minimal line and rounded shapes it can appear more friendly, balanced with the dark colours of the cover.

Another suggestions was that perhaps the design shouldn't have used black and white so heavily within the design, as this is something that a lot of the entrants might use. However with the accents of purple I think this balances out the appearance. It's also important to convey the nature of the book with the content being very black/white and night/day in nature. Some positive feedback was that the design flows quite well, with the eyes following down the direction of the arms to slowly intake the whole design.

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